Did you catch these Black Mirror cameos?

Did you catch these Black Mirror cameos?

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Published: December 31, 2017 7:19 pm ..

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Published: December 31, 2017 7:19 pm Black Mirror’s fourth season is now streaming on Netflix.

Black Mirror is one of the most terrifying TV shows around, and that is not because it belongs to the horror genre. Its scare quotient is more effective than most horror movies and shows because it is closer to reality: our increasing infatuation with technology and its implications.

The fourth season of this Charlie Brooker creation is now available for streaming on Netflix, and proceed further only if you have seen USS Callister, the first episode of the show that is Star Trek themed and also simultaneously parodies the space-opera franchise. There are two cameos in the episode by Kirsten Dunst and Aaron Paul that you may have missed.

Dunst’s appearance, particularly, is a sort of blink-and-you-miss-it appearance, while Aaron Paul cameos through only his voice which after watching five seasons of his whining and utterances of “Bitch!” in Breaking Bad we can easily recognise.

Jesse Plemons stars as the captain of a spaceship called USS Callister. He is a commanding presence, with slicked-back hair and authoritative voice when addressing his underlings. Turns out, the whole thing is a game, and the real-life version of Plemons’ character is a meek, underconfident CTO who has created this game to live out a fantasy that is vastly different from his real life. In the game, he can bully his colleagues or at least a version of themselves.

Back to the cameos. Dunst’s appearance, as already mentioned momentary, and it comes early on in the show. You will certainly miss it if you do not know what you are looking for. Aaron Paul’s voice, though, comes towards the end. When a real-life gamer connects to the crew inside USS Callister. His voice is eerily reminiscent of Jesse Pinkman, and one can notice the same irritable impatient cadences.

Black Mirror’s fourth season streams on Netflix.

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