Nancy Pelosi Translates Donald Trumps Latest Midterm Distraction To Stephen Colbert

Nancy Pelosi Translates Donald Trumps Latest Midterm Distraction To Stephen Colbert

“Every election, people talk about an October Surprise,” Stephen Colbert noted on Late Show. He aske..

“Every election, people talk about an October Surprise,” Stephen Colbert noted on Late Show. He asked guest Nancy Pelosi if that was the best way to describe President Donald Trumps announcement he will unilaterally end birthright citizenship, as outlined in the Constitution.

In an Axios interview released earlier in the day, the President said to his base, as translated by Colbert, “Listen, youve go to stick with me. Im the only one who is going to protect you from these scary people coming up over the border.”

Pelosi called it “just more of same” on the presidents part, in line with his “taking babies out of the arms of their moms and putting them in cages, warning about a caravan thats over 1,000 miles away.”

“What he was saying today has no relationship to what his authority is,” she continued.

“But that of course not unusual,” she added, wryly, getting a big response from Colberts studio audience.

“Well said,” Colbert complimented.

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