Michael Cohen Pleads The Fifth In Stormy Daniels Case

Michael Cohen Pleads The Fifth In Stormy Daniels Case

US FILE PHOTO: Michael Cohen, attorney for The Trump Organization, arrives at Trump Tower in New Y..


FILE PHOTO: Michael Cohen, attorney for The Trump Organization, arrives at Trump Tower in New York City, U.S. January 17, 2017. REUTERS/Stephanie Keith/File Photo | Cohen Pleads 5th In Stormy Daniels Case FILE PHOTO: Michael Cohen, attorney for The Trump Organization, arrives at Trump Tower in New York City, U.S. January 17, 2017. REUTERS/Stephanie Keith/File Photo | Cohen Pleads 5th In Stormy Daniels Case Photo of Chuck Ross

7:06 PM 04/25/2018







Michael Cohen, the long-time attorney for President Donald Trump, will plead the Fifth in a lawsuit former porn star Stormy Daniels filed, he told a federal court on Wednesday.

Cohen cited an FBI investigation of his business dealings as a rationale to invoke his right against self-incrimination.

FBI agents raided Cohens office, residence and hotel room on April 9 in search of various business records, including those related to payments he made to Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.

Cohen is being investigated for potential bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations. Cohen paid Clifford $130,000 in October 2016. The payments were hush money to cover up an affair Clifford had with Trump in 2006, she claims.

Clifford sued Cohen and Trump on March 6, seeking to invalidate a non-disclosure agreement she signed after receiving the $130,000 payments.

Cohens decision to plead the Fifth makes it likely the civil case will be frozen as the FBI investigation is underway.

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