Paper boy teaser: A sneak peek into a cheesy love story that should have told us more

Paper boy teaser: A sneak peek into a cheesy love story that should have told us more

Written by Ashameera Aiyappan | Chennai | Pu..

Written by Ashameera Aiyappan | Chennai | Published: July 21, 2018 3:28:54 pm Paper Boy has been directed by Jaya Shankarr and stars Santosh Shoban, Riya Suman, and Tanya Hope. Top News

The teaser of Paper Boy starts on a cheesy note. “She is five and a half feet personification of Telugu tradition,” says the hero, talking about his love. “She is 50 kg worth of Telugu tradition,” adding thats the reason he goes there every morning to wish here. While that sounds like a proper set-up for a round of stalking, the film makes an interesting subversion. The hero is a paperboy, the one in the title, and delivers newspaper to the heroines house everyday morning.

What follows is a normal montage of love shots, picturised well but the kind of shots that we have seen one too many times. It ends on a revelatory point where the hero reveals that he has studied B.Tech. Why would someone with a B.Tech degree deliver papers for a living? The hero has an enigmatic reply, “That is to live while this is for the future.” Just like a teaser should, it leaves us with questions. But the teaser needed more such selectively revelatory statements that help us buy more into the story.

Paper Boy has been directed by Jaya Shankarr and stars Santosh Shoban, Riya Suman, and Tanya Hope. The film is produced by Sampath Nandi and has music by Bheems. The one-minute teaser has clocked more than 35K views within hours of its launch. The hashtag #PaperBoyTeaser also trended on social media after the teaser was launched.

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