What happened between Strictlys Karen and Kevin Clifton?

What happened between Strictlys Karen and Kevin Clifton?

Kevin Clifton dropped Karen from the UK tour (Picture: Getty) In March, professional dancers Kevin ..

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Kevin Clifton dropped Karen from the UK tour (Picture: Getty)

In March, professional dancers Kevin and Karen Clifton announced their separation after three years of marriage.

It was a shock to Strictly fans, as the pair have been mainstays on the show and were a much-loved couple.

They have remained professional on the show, but it was reported recently that Kevin had opted to drop Karen from their proposed joint dancing tour and continue alone amid claims the two struggle to work together.

But what actually happened between the pair and why did they split?

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Karen and Kevin married on 11 July 2015.

Theyd started on Strictly together in series 11 in 2013, but likely got closer in 2009 when they were both in Burn the Floor on Broadway in 2009.

They seemed like a perfect pair, but Karen revealed to The Express that they faced rocky moments and… didnt know how to handle it.



She said that, often during filming, they would be working from 6am to 11pm, which left little room for seeing each other.

Karen, 36, said, Strictly was the glue that was keeping us together but it was also the workload that was leaving us with no time to communicate.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by David Fisher/REX/Shutterstock (9028516li) Karen Clifton and Kevin Clifton 'Strictly Come Dancing' launch, BBC Broadcasting House, London, UK - 28 Aug 2017

Theyve been married since 2015 (Picture: Rex Features)

She didnt rule out the fact that there could be a reconciliation, however, saying to The Sun, I dont know whats going to happen in the future, but I think its really important when youre both open and real about whats happening, and were both really upfront about it, but anything can happen.

Currently, Karen is receiving online counselling from qualified therapist and dancer Camilla Dallerup. She has also had hypnotherapy sessions to reduce anxiety.

In Hello! magazine ealier this year, Kevin said, Were still the best of friends – weve got a lot of love and respect for each other. I still see Karen pretty much every day… Were always throwing ideas around and putting things together creatively.

Despite the fact their joint tour has been cancelled, they continue to work together, and appear to be getting on fine.

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