Chris Evans says last line Captain America speaks in Avengers 4 is stupid

Chris Evans says last line Captain America speaks in Avengers 4 is stupid

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Published: October ..

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Published: October 14, 2018 7:59:46 pm

Chris Evans will be taking up the mantle of Captain America for the last time in Avengers 4.

Chris Evans has revealed that the last line his character Captain America speaks in Avengers 4 “was a stupid line.” Evans recently finished shooting for the fourth Avengers film and the 22nd film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We can probably expect it to be a witticism, though Cap is not exactly a jester in Marvel movies.

Speaking at ACE Comic-Con, Evans said, “Well, you know, it was reshoots, so youre doing these little picks and pops, and its just little things that they need. It might have been a line to Paul Rudd. He wasnt there, but it was a stupid line. The line wasnt memorable to me [laughs]. The day was more memorable than the line.”

On October 4, Evans had announced that he is finally giving up the mantle of Cap after finishing Avengers 4 reshoots, which led many to wonder if Cap will die in the film. He had tweeted, “Officially wrapped on Avengers 4. It was an emotional day to say the least. Playing this role over the last 8 years has been an honor. To everyone in front of the camera, behind the camera, and in the audience, thank you for the memories! Eternally grateful.”

Also Read: Avengers 4: The Marvel movie wraps up filming

Avengers 4 does not come out until May next year, but the anticipation for the movie is already sky-high thanks to the cliffhanger Avengers: Infinity War ended with. Half the universe was wiped out in the purge by the Mad Titan Thanos, and about half of superheroes perished as well. Avengers (or whats left of them) are expected to take the fight to the intergalactic tyrant to avenge all the death and destruction and possibly resurrect half of the universes life. Captain Marvel is also supposed to join the fight, with Brie Larson starring as the superhero.

Avengers 4 releases on May 3, 2019.

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