Saturday Night Live Visits Bill Cosby In Prison

Saturday Night Live Visits Bill Cosby In Prison

[embedded content] Its been a long while since Kenan Thompson had done one of his..

Its been a long while since Kenan Thompson had done one of his signature impersonations, of disgraced comedian Bill Cosby who has faced numerous allegations of sexual assault and over the past four years went from Americas dad to a convicted felon. With Cosby behind bars, Saturday Night Live tonight brought the character back to envision how he spends his days in prison. And by the looks of it, Cosby (played by Thompson as his Cosby Show character Cliff Huxtable) is enjoying everything about life there, from the comfortable recliner and stereo in his cell, to the jello-heavy prison diet to his pet turtle Quincy.

Host Seth Meyers played a new inmate assigned to Cosbys cell who tries to explain to him the severity of the crimes he had been convicted of. With that falling on deaf ear and Cosby happily dancing around, Meyers character asks, exasperated, “Have you considered just dying?” Watch the sketch above.

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