Michelle Obama Reveals To Jimmy Kimmel Things She Could Not Say As First Lady

Michelle Obama Reveals To Jimmy Kimmel Things She Could Not Say As First Lady

[embedded content] “You picked a great night to show up,” Jimmy Kimmel assured hi..

“You picked a great night to show up,” Jimmy Kimmel assured his Hollywood studio audience Thursday night when his guests were Lin Manuel Miranda and former First Lady Michelle Obama.

“You remember Mrs. Obama? From when we had a United States?” Kimmel asked.

“Our former First Lady is here to share stories from her new autobiography, Becoming. As in, What the hell is this country Becoming?”

The former First Lady, during her time in the White House, had to be careful about what she said. But now that she is no longer there, she can basically say whatever she wants, Kimmel said. So, he asked her to read things hed written for her, that he knew she wanted to say as FLOTUS, but could not, so long as her husband was POTUS.

“The whole eight years we were in the White House we used Laura Bushs Netflix password,” she read.


“Im not sure which one is Sasha and which one is Malia.”

“You know? They agree!” Michelle Obama told Kimmel of her daughters.

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