Casualty review with spoilers: Will Dylan and Ciara survive their escape from Joel?

Casualty review with spoilers: Will Dylan and Ciara survive their escape from Joel?

(Picture: BBC) The episode ended on a huge cliffhanger as we saw Dylans car about to be in a head-on..

(Picture: BBC)

The episode ended on a huge cliffhanger as we saw Dylans car about to be in a head-on collision with another car, as Dylan and Ciara fled from the ED and her abusive husband Joel.

This followed Ciara once again being brought into the hospital, this time after suffering injuries at Joels hands. Ruby and Jan were witnesses to the mess in Ciaras house and drew their own conclusions, then Robyn spotted a huge bruise on Ciaras back and X-rays showed old and new fractures. Connie and Robyn arranged for a quiet space for Ciara to talk to an independent domestic abuse expert, realising that she needed to feel confident and safe enough to ask for help herself.

Casualty - Series 33 - Ep13
Driving off into the sunset (Picture: BBC)

Dylan, meanwhile, was blustering around the corridors sneaking a look at the X-rays and looking at Joels notes. Just as Ciara was about to open up to the domestic violence woman, Dylan burst into the room. Having yet another shouty man wanting to decide things for her was exactly what Ciara didnt need and she left the room, much to everyones frustration. Back in her cubicle she had to fend off the attentions of Joel who was being clingy and weird, so she took refuge in the womens toilets. Dylan found her there (is there no privacy in that hospital?) and told her he knew they were terrible together, but hed rather sink with her than swim on his own, which is perhaps an unfortunate expression for someone who lives on a boat. He also said he loved her.

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Ciara told Joel it was over between them, then told Dylan shed rather go with him than go to a womens refuge. So off they went in his car and it wasnt long before they noticed that Joels car was following them. There was a short car chase, with Joel ramming into the back of Dylans car before losing control on a bend and crashing into a parked car. Ciara saw what happened and told Dylan, and he lost concentration for a moment and when we last saw them they were about to hit a car coming the opposite way, head-on. Will they survive?

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Newbies Jade and Marty (Picture: BBC)

The last episode saw the debut of feckless, work-shy (but actually very good at her job) Jade Lovall, and this week another new nurse was added to the team. Marty Kirkby is bright, lively, very vain and rather fabulous and the contrast between him and Jade works brilliantly. Marty proved himself to be a bit of a whizz at spotting a rash, and Jade showed once again that shes deeply caring and sweet as she took it upon herself to give an old man (whod earlier scammed Louise out of her last £20) a wash and a shave.

Louise didnt have the best shift, bless her. As well as money worries and being duped by a serial cashpoint con man, she had to deal with two new nurses and a waiting room filled to capacity with an acapella choir from Pontefract who were in various stages of a nasty vomiting bug.

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Louise takes pity on a poor old man (Picture: BBC)

In other news, it seems that all is still not well between Charlie and Duffy. Hes taken to answering her phone – always the sign of a suspicious mind – and shes obviously really not well but isnt saying anything to him. Whats it going to take to make her confide in him?

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And Iain, having taken the decision to go for counselling, has now discovered theres a six week waiting list.

Sue Haasler is the author of the official Holby City book, which you can read about here. She also writes novels and theres information about all her books here.

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