Rep. Adam Schiff And Bill Maher Fist-Bump Over Dems Fox News Thaw

Rep. Adam Schiff And Bill Maher Fist-Bump Over Dems Fox News Thaw

Bill Maher returned from a week off to find the Mueller Report was out, and unsatisfying, “like All ..

Bill Maher returned from a week off to find the Mueller Report was out, and unsatisfying, “like All the Presidents Men meets Al Capones vault — what the f*ck?” the avowed Democrat groused during his opening monologue of HBOs Real Time on Friday.

To help sort it all he had on California Rep. Adam Schiff, the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Schiff, a consistent critic of the Trump Administration, reiterated his belief that even though the report did not directly implicate President Donald Trump, “if we had any doubt before about this Presidents fitness for office, there is no doubt remaining: he is unfit for the Presidency.”

But to Maher regulars it was during the end of their interview during the shows opening segment that a bit of news was made, when Maher noted to Schiff almost as an aside that Schiff had been making more appearances being interviewed on Fox News Channel.

The subject of Democrats avoiding the outlet had been a final “New Rules” rant by Maher only last month, when he lamented the Democratic National Committees stance that it would not work with FNC to host a Democratic presidential primary during the 2020 election cycle. “Republicans never shy away from coming on this show, and they come with a smile on their face despite knowing that the only people in the crowd cheering them on are the three campaign aides they brought with them,” Maher said at the time. “The audience is against them and they dont care — its an opportunity to expose people to your side of the story.”

“You have to get inside the bubble,” he finger-wagged at the DNC, telling them to “grow a pair.” “You call yourself the resistance, then fight behind behind enemy lines. … Get out of your echo chamber, and infiltrate theirs.”

Maybe its not so coincidentally that since then, Dem candidates beginning with Sen. Bernie Sanders have done Fox News town halls. Sanders clocked nearly 2.6 million viewers as he brokeRead More – Source

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