Home Depot Employees Build A Walker For 2-Year-Old Boy With Muscle Disease

Home Depot Employees Build A Walker For 2-Year-Old Boy With Muscle Disease

4:49 PM 05/29/2019 | US William Davis | Contributor Two-year-old Logan Moore of Georgia suffers f..

William Davis | Contributor

Two-year-old Logan Moore of Georgia suffers from a muscle disease known as hypotonia and needs a walker to get around.

However, Moores parents were not sure if their health insurance would cover the walker. Thats when a few good Samaritans from Home Depot stepped up to help the family out, according to Fox 26 in Georgia. (RELATED: Woman Says, Go Trump, While Good Samaritan Fixes Her Car)

The Moore family went to their local Home Depot to find some parts to make the walker themselves, but when the employees heard about their predicament, they told the family to go get ice cream and proceeded to make the walker for them.

Jeffrey Anderson, a Home Depot employee recounted the experience in a Facebook post.

“So today a lady and her mother and husband came in telling us that the insurance company may or may not pay for their little boys walker,” Anderson wrote. “My store manager heard about this and we went oRead More – Source

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