Trevor Noah And Stephen Colbert Mock Trumps Protest-Filled U.K. Visit

Trevor Noah And Stephen Colbert Mock Trumps Protest-Filled U.K. Visit

While the royal family and outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May rolled out the red carpet for..

While the royal family and outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May rolled out the red carpet for President Trump, protesters werent so welcoming.

From the moment POTUS touched down this week in the U.K., demonstrators have lined the streets every step of the way. The noisy protests are giving late-night comedians an abundance of new material.

“British protesters are no joke,” Trevor Noah quipped Tuesday on the Daily Show. “Tens of thousands protesting Trump, and this was in the rain, which I know to them is a summer day, but thats not the point.”

Noah added, “Even conservative British people dont like Trump.”

Stephen Colbert also seized on the chilly reception Trump has gotten from some Brits.

While the protest footage has played out on international TV, Trump insisted in a news conference that the pRead More – Source

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