Journalist Andy Ngo Attacked At Portland Rally. Hes Reportedly Sustaining Injuries

Journalist Andy Ngo Attacked At Portland Rally. Hes Reportedly Sustaining Injuries

Journalist Andy Ngo, who covers Antifa activity, was attacked at a Portland rally Saturday and has r..

Journalist Andy Ngo, who covers Antifa activity, was attacked at a Portland rally Saturday and has reportedly been admitted to the hospital.

Masked individuals attacked Ngo at a rally in Oregon, throwing what appeared to be milkshakes at him and punching him, according to footage of the attack.

Ngo is an editor for Quillette who describes himself as “hated by [A]ntifa” on his Twitter profile. He recorded the aftermath of the days events on social media. The video showed Ngo with scars on his face in addition to what appeared to be swelling.


— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) June 29, 2019

Ngo is being “admitted to the hospital overnight as a result of a brain bleed,” Harmeet Dhillon, a legal representative, tweeted hours after the protest. (RELATED: Journalist Andy Ngo Attacked At Portland Rally)

Update to @MrAndyNgo supporters — he is being admitted to the hospital overnight as a result of a brain bleed. You sick “journalists” and other hacks gloating about this should be ashamed. As for the rest, please pray for @MrAndyNgo who we need back in health — brave man!????????????????????????❤

— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) June 30, 2019

Thank you @michellemalkin for supporting our client @MrAndyNgo after organized felony assault on him while the impotent @PoRead More – Source

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