Obama Wishes Followers A Happy 4th: Always A Great Day In The Obama Family

Obama Wishes Followers A Happy 4th: Always A Great Day In The Obama Family

Former President Barack Obama wished his followers a “Happy Fourth of July” Thursday, saying the hol..

Former President Barack Obama wished his followers a “Happy Fourth of July” Thursday, saying the holiday is “always a great day in the Obama family.”

The former presidents eldest daughter, Malia, also turns 21 on July 4. (RELATED: Trump Plans Patriotic Salute To America Parade For The 4th Of July)

“Happy Fourth of July, everybody!” Obama tweeted along with a throwback photo of his family. “This is always a great day in the Obama family: a chance to celebrate America — and Malias birthday, too. Hope all of you are able to get some time with friends, family, and fireworks.”

Happy Fourth of July, everybody! This is always a great day in the Obama family: a chance to celebrate America—and Malias birthday, too. Hope all of you are able to get some time with friends, family, and fireworks. pic.twitter.com/Gn9kVCCnuf

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 4, 2019

Back in 2016, the former president kept it simple with a photo of himself and his daughters watching fireworks, along with the caption, “Happy Fourth of July.”

Happy Fourth of July. pic.twitter.com/AQHiti7Yye

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 4, 2016

He posted a quote from himself in 2015, reading: “From my family to yours, have a safe and happy Fourth of July. —President Obama,” along with a video address explaining his plans to host a barbeque for military service members and their families.

“Happy Fourth of July, everybody,” he says in the address. “Like many of you, Michelle, Sasha, Malia and I are going to spend the day outdoors grilling burgers, hotdogs, watching the fireworks with our family and friends. Its also Malias birthday, which always makes the Fourth extra fun for us.”

“As always, weve invited some very special guests to our backyard barbeque: several hundred members of our military and their families,” he continued, offering thanks to not only those who serve in the military but the countrys patriots and Founding Fathers, as well.

“A couple of centuries later, weve made ourselves into a big, bold, dynamic and diverse country. Were of all races. We come from all places. We practice all faiths and believe in all sorts of different ideas, but our allegiance to this declaration … is the creed that binds us together.”

“From my family to yours, have a safe and happy Fourth of July.” —President Obama http://t.co/vM9HOpGgXy

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 4, 2015

The former president also posted a photo of himself and former first lady Michelle Obama watching fireworks in 2015, along with the caption, “Happy Fourth of July.” (RELATED: Heres How Those Military Tanks Are Getting To Trumps Fourth Of July Parade)

Happy Fourth of July. pic.twitter.com/NrN0dpCNIr

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 4, 2015

Obama posted a live-stream video of his 2011 Fourth of July speech at the White House, along with the caption, “President Obama speaks at the White Houses Fourth of July celebration. Watch live.”

President Obama speaks at the White Houses Fourth of July celebration. Watch live: http://t.co/JEg3rFM

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 4, 2011

Twitter users are also celebrating Malias birthday in place of Independence Day.

“We off that fourth of july sh*t,” Hunter Harris, a staff writer for Vulture magazine, worte. “[T]omorrow ill be celebrating malia obamas birthday [sic].”

we off that fourth of july shit — tomorrow ill be celebrating malia obamas birthday

— hunter harris (@hunteryharris) July 4, 2019

The “Because of Them We Can” campaign posted a graphic that reads, “Happy Malia Obama Day!”

Its the 4th of July, which means were cooking out and gathering to celebrate one of our forever first daughters 21st birthday!

Happy birthday Malia Obama! #becauseofthemwecan pic.twitter.com/JAlOFsfn9Q

— #becauseofthemwecan (@BecauseoftheRead More – Source

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