Is Monty Python going strong 50 years later? John Cleese doesnt think so

Is Monty Python going strong 50 years later? John Cleese doesnt think so

John Cleese questions Monty Pythons influence in the UK (Picture: Rex) John Cleese will forever be ..

John Cleese think the UK has deserted Monty Python

John Cleese questions Monty Pythons influence in the UK (Picture: Rex)

John Cleese will forever be associated with Monty Python; the comedy troupe he co-founded 50 years ago, which has an unbeatable legacy on British comedy. An opinion which the actor himself doesnt seem to share, at least not where Britain is concerned.

Monty Python is one of the great pillars of British comedy; from the ground-breaking TV series Monty Pythons Flying Circus, to classic films such as Life of Brian and Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

The gang – which also featured Sir Michael Palin, Eric Idle and Terry Gilliam – was founded 50 years ago and its impact is still felt in comedy on the small and silver screens to this day. One of its founders, however, hasnt got such a positive view of Pythons modern-day influence.

More: Monty Python



Its not going very strong, Cleese told Radio Times. The BBC havent put us out on terrestrial television for the best part of 20 years. The moment you have a success in Britain, journalists try to write it off.

Cleese – who also found success through another British comedy classic, Fawlty Towers, as well as the film A Fish Called Wanda – says that, in his eye, Python has a far more receptive fan base in other countries outside of Britain, such as the US.

I find that theres a lot more enthusiasm for Python in America, Canada and Australia than there is in the UK., Cleese said. Ive just been in Canada doing a tour – 14 shows in a month to 28,000 people.

Editorial use only. No book cover usage. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Universal/Celandine/Monty Python/Kobal/REX (5885875q) John Cleese Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life - 1983 Director: Terry Jones Universal/Celandine/Monty Python BRITAIN Scene Still Comedy Monty Python, le sens de la vie

Monty Python turns 50 years old (Picture: Rex Features)

Radio Times cover

Read John Cleeses full interview in this weeks Radio Times (Picture: Radio Times)

The last series of Monty Pythons Flying Circus aired in the UK in 1974, with the cast then transitioning into cinema. Some of the groups most famous sketches include The Dead Parrot, The Funniest Joke and the seminal moment in Life of Brian where crucified men burst into a rendition of Always Look On The Bright Side of Life.

It is, however, not all bad news for Python fans. Cleese went on to say how touched he still is seeing their work resonate with fans, some of whom have been watching – and laughing – all their lives.

The love and affection for Python is quite extraordinary, Cleese enthused. With 60-year-old menRead More – Source

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