News Networks Cover Corey Lewandowski Hearing With Focus On “Impeachment”

News Networks Cover Corey Lewandowski Hearing With Focus On “Impeachment”

Corey Lewandowskis appearance before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday may not rise to the le..

Corey Lewandowskis appearance before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday may not rise to the level of past recent bombshell hearings of the Trump era, but CNN, MSNBC and Fox News each framed the live event with a word that is just as impactful: “impeachment.”

While the committee is still in the investigative stages before deciding whether to actually order articles of impeachment, a move that is fraught with political risks, the news networks each broke away from regular programming to cover the hearing.

If anything, it promised some drama with the appearance of Lewandowski, President Donald Trumps former campaign manager and outside adviser, who was known for his pugnacious approach to politics and the press.

“Lewandowski is probably likely to be like a cat playing a mouse here,” Fox News chief White House correspondent John Roberts said on air just before the hearing started.

“No one speaks Trump as fluently as Corey Lewandowski,” said CNNs Dana Bash.

The broadcast networks did not break away for special coverage of the hearing, as they did when Robert Mueller testified in July.

“Its now clear that the investigation was populated by many Trump haters to take down a duly elected president,” Lewandowski said in his opening remarks.

His bickering with Democrats on the committee started right off the bat, as Lewandowski asked for a copy of the Mueller report before he answered House Committee Chairman Jerry Nadlers questions.

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