Maher: Trumps European Union Is A Threeway With Russia, Ukraine

Maher: Trumps European Union Is A Threeway With Russia, Ukraine

President Donald Trump got in bed with Moscow to get elected and now hes “invited Ukraine in for a t..

President Donald Trump got in bed with Moscow to get elected and now hes “invited Ukraine in for a three-way” for another round of political dirty-tricks and international infidelity, according to Bill Maher.

The host of HBOs Real Time with Bill Maher ripped the Commander-in-Chief for taking the low road by allegedly dialing up a foreign leader with the shady intention of undermining his Democratic rivals as they seek his Election Day ouster.

“A U.S. president, now, is using taxpayer money to pressure a foreign government to smear his political opponent,” the firebrand comedian said. “Its not enough that Trump has Russia meddling in the election – now weve invited Ukraine in for a three-way.”

The show airs live on the East Coast but is recorded in Los Angeles so the studio audience responded heartily when the host hectored GOP notables in Southern California.

“President Trump was in LA this week…I love the Republicans out here, they always say that they are not ashamed to be associated with Trump, and yet when hes here they come and go by tunnel.”

Trump wasnt the only target onFriday night. Mahers extended riffs on Joe Bidens eccentricities, infirmities, and ill-timed cognitive misadventures may have lacked the venom of the hosts attacks on Trump but the collective effect may be more damning by making the liberal candidate seem feckless.

Maher also sneered at the legacy of the lefts mollycoddling tendencies in both metaphorical and in applied ways. “Democrats,” Maher said, “are the super-indulgent parent who never disciplined the kid, who now can get away with anything.”

Former U.N. Ambassador Samantha J. Power was especially impressive in heRead More – Source

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