To our readers: The leader guards the reader

To our readers: The leader guards the reader

Your favourite newspaper, The Times of India, is back after a short break caused by logistical diffi..

Your favourite newspaper, The Times of India, is back after a short break caused by logistical difficulties in delivering the paper in the first week of the lockdown. The Prime Minister has repeatedly spoken of media as an essential service, and several Central government orders have been issued in the past 10 days to back this up – exempting news-gathering and distribution staff from the lockdown, and asking states to facilitate their movement. Hours before the announcement of the lockdown, Prime Minister Modi also spoke of the “tremendous credibility” of newspapers and their importance in countering the spread of fake and false news. “People say, oh, Ive read it in the papers,” he said.
We at The Times of India take the trust our readers have reposed in us – and the responsibility we owe society – very, very seriously. Even on the few days we couldnt distribute the paper, we never stopped reporting from the frontlines of the war against the pandemic – the hospitals where Covid-19 patients were being admitted; the inter-state borders where lakhs of migrants had gathered trying to go home, creating a potential humanitarian crisis; the highways where truckers were abandoning their vehicles, further deepening the nationwide disruption in critical supply chains. And we never stopped providing insight and analysis about the spread of the virus – why certain pockets in the country had turned hotspots; which treatment protocols were showing promise; and what lessons India could learn from other countries.
We have presses in about 60 cities across the country, and almost all of them continued to print – and distribute, although in fewer numbers – without a days break. Even in the handful of cities where we couldnt distribute, such as Mumbai, we continued to produce the epaper – an electronic replica of the physical paper – every day. And our network of correspondents – the most extensive in the country – kept you abreast, through our online edition, of every important development about the pandemic.
But nothing beats the physical newspaper – the sense of assurance it provides in a world where youre never sure of what to believe and what not to. There is a reason why The Times of India has remained the most widely-circulated English newspaper in the world, through good times and difficult: TRUST. Brands are not built overRead More – Source

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