7 Tiny Conscious Beauty Tweaks You Can Make to Be a More Eco-Friendly Consumer

7 Tiny Conscious Beauty Tweaks You Can Make to Be a More Eco-Friendly Consumer

With it being Earth Month and the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, making conscious beauty decisions is on our minds more now than ever. But things like monitoring our consumption, optimizing our usage, and working toward more sustainable habits is important year round, not just on Earth Day. Now, before you go off thinking we're suggesting you completely abandon your old ways, hear us out: it doesn't take drastic measures to make your beauty routine more eco-friendly. There are plenty of tiny conscious beauty tweaks you can make. "The beauty industry is only behind the food and beverage industry as one of the world's biggest sources of waste," said Belinda Smith, the founder of St. Rose. "However, instead of feeling guilty or discouraged let's do something about it. Small progress every day is a big win and we all need to do our part if we are going to steer this ship around." Ahead, we're sharing a few conscious beauty changes you can make in your everyday l..

With it being Earth Month and the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, making conscious beauty decisions is on our minds more now than ever. But things like monitoring our consumption, optimizing our usage, and working toward more sustainable habits is important year round, not just on Earth Day. Now, before you go off thinking we're suggesting you completely abandon your old ways, hear us out: it doesn't take drastic measures to make your beauty routine more eco-friendly. There are plenty of tiny conscious beauty tweaks you can make.

"The beauty industry is only behind the food and beverage industry as one of the world's biggest sources of waste," said Belinda Smith, the founder of St. Rose. "However, instead of feeling guilty or discouraged let's do something about it. Small progress every day is a big win and we all need to do our part if we are going to steer this ship around."

Ahead, we're sharing a few conscious beauty changes you can make in your everyday life to work toward a more eco-friendly, sustainable routine.

Do Your Research and Support Eco-Friendly Brands

We're not recommending you give up your 10-step skin-care routine, but you can look to include more eco-friendly and sustainable products. "Support eco-friendly brands with sustainable ingredients," said Allison McNamara, founder of MARA. "You have the power with your dollar to support brands that are doing their part to make a difference."

You can usually determine if a brand is eco-friendly by looking at its mission. "Being more mindful as consumers is the number one thing," said Smith. "Choosing better and buying less. Looking to invest in brands that are practicing what they preach."

Recycle Empty Beauty Product Contains

Instead of just throwing your empty beauty products away in the trash, recycling them properly with beauty-specific programs. Unfortunately, many beauty products cannot be recycling in regular blue bins with other cans and bottles. To take your efforts a step further, you can look to support brands that partner with recycling programs. Garnier, Love Beauty and Planet, and Göt2b, to name a few, are all partners with TerraCycle and reward customers in various ways for recycling their empty products.

"Doing zero waste imperfectly is what we all should be striving toward," said Smith.

To help your products get recycled, McNamara explained you should clean them out before tossing them. "I know when you're in the moment it feels like a chore, but anything (beauty, food, etc) with more than 10 percent left in the component doesn't get recycled," said McNamara. "Do your part and rinse out your containers."

Trade Your Single-Use Cotton Rounds For Reusable Options

If you use a cotton pad every time you take off your makeup or use a toner, the amount you're throwing away can quickly add up. To reduce your waste, switch to reusable cotton pads. "Not only are single use cotton pads wasteful, many contain plastics too," said McNamara. "Invest in a cute acrylic stand and reusable cotton rounds and clean them like you would your towels." Try The Good Stuff Reusable Cotton Pads.

Opt for Products Made With Biodegradable Ingredients

Plastic waste in landfills can take hundreds of years to decompose. So, next time you're shopping fRead More – Source

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