Medical Experts Urge Caution With Lifting Restrictions

Medical Experts Urge Caution With Lifting Restrictions

As Australian leaders begin winding back COVID-19 restrictions, medical experts have warned not to e..

As Australian leaders begin winding back COVID-19 restrictions, medical experts have warned not to ease them too quickly so as to avoid a potential second wave of the CCP virus.

State and federal leaders will decide what rules are to be eased on Friday, April 8 at a national cabinet meeting.

Australian Medical Association president Tony Bartone warned the national cabinet not to feel pressured into lifting restrictions and said they should apply medical evidence to any decision, according to a press release on May 6.

“People should not get their hopes up too high at this stage, because rushing to get things back to normal, without caution and safeguards, risks a huge setback for everyone,” Bartone said.

He said in the event of a second wave of infections, implementing isolation measures would be worse for peoples health and the economy.

So far Australia has managed to flatten the curve of infections and discussions have now turned to kickstarting the economy post-virus.

As part of this effort, the federal government introduced on May 1, new rules to make workplaces “virus-safe.” Prime Minister Scott Morrison supported the measure saying to reporters on May 5, “To get Australians back to work, what is essential is they could go back into a COVID-19 safe workplace.”

On the same day, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern joined Australias national cabinet to discuss creating a special travel zone between the two countries. She emphasised the relationship between the nations saying, “I do think that we should both be proud of the efforts that have been made and the ANZAC bond.”

States Have Been Easing Restrictions

In New South Wales, the state lifted restrictions on May 1, allowing families (consisting of two adults and their children) to visit other households for the first time in weeks.

While in Queensland, travel restrictions have been eased allowing residents to travel up to 50 kilometres from their homes for recreational purposes. Theyre also currently considering lifting more restrictions in time for Mothers Day.

Deputy chief medical officer Paul Kelly said restrictions needed to be gradually eased rather than any immediate return to life before the pandemic.

Epoch Times Photo
The roadway gantry signs on the Westgate Freeway display messages about COVID-19 testing on May 5, 2020 in Melbourne, Australia. (Darrian Traynor/Getty Images)

“Some things will open, others will not,” he told reporters in Canberra. “It will be scaled so that risk of increasing the nRead More – Source

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