Robert Pattinson Is Going to Make for One Sexy Batman, and These Photos Prove It

Robert Pattinson Is Going to Make for One Sexy Batman, and These Photos Prove It

Robert Pattinson, where do we even begin to start with our love for the British actor? We suppose it all started when he played Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". Our love rapidly intensified when he played Edward Cullen in the Twilight franchise, and it was forever cemented when we saw in Water for Elephants. When we heard that he was going to be the new Batman, we almost fainted. No lie. Determined to prove to our colleagues, friends, family, our long-lost aunt Susan, and anyone who would listen, that Pattinson would Read More – Source [contf] [contfnew] popsugar [contfnewc] [contfnewc]

Robert Pattinson, where do we even begin to start with our love for the British actor? We suppose it all started when he played Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". Our love rapidly intensified when he played Edward Cullen in the Twilight franchise, and it was forever cemented when we saw in Water for Elephants.

When we heard that he was going to be the new Batman, we almost fainted. No lie. Determined to prove to our colleagues, friends, family, our long-lost aunt Susan, and anyone who would listen, that Pattinson would Read More – Source

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