UK incomes: how does your salary compare? :-: the Guardian

UK incomes: how does your salary compare? :-: the Guardian

Treasury figures reveal how much the top 10% earn, the bottom 10% – and the people in the middle Th..

Treasury figures reveal how much the top 10% earn, the bottom 10% – and the people in the middle

The top 10% of earners in Britain have salaries which are equal to more than the bottom 40% of earners combined, according to figures in budget papers (pdf) released by the Treasury.

The top decile of single adults earn a median income of £60,500, compared to just £8,600 among the bottom decile. For a couple with two children, the median income of the top 10% is £151,400, compared to £19,700 in the lowest decile.

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The Guardian

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