The Boy With the Topknot – top notch with a dash of schmaltz

The Boy With the Topknot – top notch with a dash of schmaltz

This adaptation of Sathnam Sanghera’s memoir of growing up Sikh in the 60s is brave and funny … but ..

This adaptation of Sathnam Sanghera’s memoir of growing up Sikh in the 60s is brave and funny … but romantic additions detract from the love letter to a family

A young boy in a vest sits on a chair leaning forward so that he is looking at the floor. A woman’s hands gently and lovingly apply oil to his long black hair. So long, it has never been cut. His mother smooths it, combs it, twists it and ties it up, above his head, in a knot.

Now it’s 15 or so years later. A handsome man with short black hair in a busy newspaper office is deciding whether to interview Samuel L Jackson or Simon Cowell. (He chooses Cowell, perhaps because more people will read it, perhaps because it means he gets to go there in a Ferrari.)

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