Catwalk model who died of ‘exhaustion’ may have been murdered

Catwalk model who died of ‘exhaustion’ may have been murdered

Vlada Dzyuba died after a 13-hour modelling assignment (Picture: Oksana Dzyuba/The Siberian Times) T..

Catwalk model who died of 'exhaustion' may have been murdered
Vlada Dzyuba died after a 13-hour modelling assignment (Picture: Oksana Dzyuba/The Siberian Times)

The teenage Russian catwalk model whose death was blamed on exhaustion may have been murdered.

An autopsy conducted on the body of Vlada Dzyuba found traces of a mystery ‘biological poison’, leading to the theory that the 14-year-old was killed.

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Law enforcement sources told news outlet Life: ‘Vlada could have been bitten by a mortally poisonous insect, she could have eaten something, or been deliberately poisoned.’

The new discovery raises the possibly that the model may have been targeted by an industry rival.

Her death had been seen as a symbol of the exploitation of underage models in the Russian fashion industry.

Catwalk model who died of 'exhaustion' may have been murdered
It is still not known how she died (Picture: Oksana Dzyuba/The Siberian Times)

The exact poison has not been identified and additional testing is set to take place.

News site Mash said: ‘Experts did not find its origin yet, but it is clear that it wasn’t a simple infection that killed her.’

Vlada was on a three-month modelling trip in China and had just completed a 13-hour assignment when she suddenly died.

The hospital in Shanghai where she died said she suffered blood poisoning ‘with multiple visceral organs damaged, liver dysfunction and renal insufficiency’.

Catwalk model who died of 'exhaustion' may have been murdered
The model was just 14 (Picture: Oksana Dzyuba/The Siberian Times)

In her final conversation with her mother, Vlada said: ‘Mama, I am so tired. I so much want to sleep.’

Investigators in Moscow have opened a ‘death by negligence’ criminal probe.

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So far, her parents and two Russian model agencies have been subjected to questioning.

Three modelling agencies linked to Vlada have denied responsibility for her death.

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