The Exorcist series showrunner has some harsh words for those offended by same-sex kiss

The Exorcist series showrunner has some harsh words for those offended by same-sex kiss

Jeremy Slater doesn’t care if you hate the same-sex kiss (Picture: FOX) No matter whether you’re wat..

The Exorcist series showrunner says 'f*ck you' to those offended by same-sex kiss
Jeremy Slater doesn’t care if you hate the same-sex kiss (Picture: FOX)

No matter whether you’re watching the film, the stage show or the TV series, everyone knows that The Exorcist is choc-a-bloc with satanic references, gratuitous violence and little girls vomming all over priests.

But in all that, the one thing that some are finding really, truly horrifying in the Fox TV series, is a same-sex kiss between two men, apparently.

In a recent episode of the series, which is now in its second season, former priest Marcus Keane (Ben Daniels) is seen kissing village local Peter Morrow (Christopher Cousins).

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And after it turns out some people weren’t into the whole guy-on-guy action (c’mon guys, it’s 2017), showrunner Jeremy Slater had a few words to say.

‘I saw a couple of homophobes on Twitter,’ Jeremy told Sci-Fi Bulletin. ‘And my response is, “Good, fuck you. I’m glad you didn’t like it, I’m glad it ruined the show for you. You shouldn’t have good things in your life.”‘

The Exorcist series showrunner says 'f*ck you' to those offended by same-sex kiss
Some people weren’t happy at seeing the kiss between Marcus Keane and another man (Picture: FOX)

Fair play, Jeremy – please continue.

‘If a homophobe can’t watch the show any more because one of the characters is gay, then I’m glad something good has come out of it.

‘This is 2017 and we still have people throwing temper tantrums online because they don’t want to see gay characters. I think it’s the last gasp of a certain breed of dinosaur that’s on the way out, and let them kick and scream as they go.’

The Exorcist series showrunner says 'f*ck you' to those offended by same-sex kiss
The Exorcist is in its second season (Picture: FOX)

He also added that, as far as he’s aware most of the series feedback has been generally positive when it comes to having Marcus as a bisexual character, especially as most aren’t used to seeing gay representation with older characters.

‘We’ve said from the beginning that Marcus is a bisexual character, which is pretty rare on television in general and certainly on network television, where everyone has binary definitions of gay or straight.’

The Exorcist airs on Syfy in the UK.

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