Craig Revel Horwood is ticked off by Darcey as he gives Jeremy Vine a two on Strictly’s Christmas special

Craig Revel Horwood is ticked off by Darcey as he gives Jeremy Vine a two on Strictly’s Christmas special

Jeremy Vine’s quickstep wasn’t too popular with Craig (Picture: BBC) Craig Revel Horwood got a bit o..

Craig Revel Horwood is ticked off by Darcey over Jeremy Vine's Christmas Strictly score
Jeremy Vine’s quickstep wasn’t too popular with Craig (Picture: BBC)

Craig Revel Horwood got a bit of a ticking off from one of his fellow judges after attempting to give Jeremy Vine a less than festive score during Strictly’s Christmas special.

The notoriously hard to please judge hadn’t been overly impressed with Jeremy’s quickstep to All I Want For Christmas Is You as he reunited with former pro partner Karen Clifton on the Christmas Day show.

So much so that he only gave him a paltry two points out of a possible ten.

Craig Revel Horwood is ticked off by Darcey over Jeremy Vine's Christmas Strictly score
Oh Craig! (Picture: BBC)

Until that is Darcey Bussell waded in – and lots of finger wagging later persuaded him to change it to a more respectable seven.

Craig Revel Horwood is ticked off by Darcey over Jeremy Vine's Christmas Strictly score
That’s better. (Picture: BBC)

‘It’s Christmas!’ he reluctantly declared as he changed his mind about the score.

Earlier he had given the couple of a bit of a pasting as he snapped: ‘All I want for Christmas is to never see that dance again.

‘It did look like you’d been on the mulled wine…anyway, it’s Christmas, you did your best darling.’

However the other judges were kinder, with Shirley Ballas telling him: ‘You were co-ordinated, you were light on your feet…but the best part of it was it that you loved every minute of that Christmas dance.’

The festive special was eventually won by Katie Derham, who nabbed the Christmas glitterball for her Viennese Waltz with partner Brendan Cole.

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The post Craig Revel Horwood is ticked off by Darcey as he gives Jeremy Vine a two on Strictly’s Christmas special appeared first on News Wire Now.

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