Dave Chappelle Makes Fun Of Louis C.K. Accuser In New Netflix Special

Dave Chappelle Makes Fun Of Louis C.K. Accuser In New Netflix Special

Dave Chappelle takes on the Hollywood sexual harassment scandal head-on in his new stand-up special ..

Dave Chappelle takes on the Hollywood sexual harassment scandal head-on in his new stand-up special The Bird Revelation, which premiered on Netflix on New Year’s Eve.

Never one to refrain from saying how he really feels, Chappelle focuses on fellow comedian Louis C.K., saying the allegations against C.K. “were the only ones that made me laugh” and at one point calls one of his accusers “weak.”

“Louis was like the turning point. All these allegations were terrible — I shouldn’t say this — but his allegations were the only ones that made me laugh. When you think about it, he’s jerking off — he’s surprising people,” Chappelle says. “I picture all the comics in comedy reading it like, ‘Word!’ It’s terrible, I’m sorry ladies, you’re right. At the same time, Jesus Christ, they took everything from Louis. It might be disproportionate, I can’t tell.”

He went on to criticize the accusers, saying “Show business is just harder than that. Them women sounded like, I hate to say it, they sounded weak,” he continues. “I know it sounds fucked up and I’m not supposed to say that, but one of these ladies was like, ‘Louis C.K. was masturbating while I was on the phone with him.’ Bitch, you don’t know how to hang up the phone? How the hell are you going to survive in show business if this is an actual obstacle to your dreams? I know Louis is wrong, I’m just saying, I’m held to a higher standard of accountability than these women are.”,

He also touched on Harvey Weinstein, who he said was “probably the first person that I’ve ever looked at a photograph of and said, ‘Yeah, he rapes.’”

No surprise that Chappelle’s remarks drew buzz on Twitter.

“@DaveChappelle 1st U defend Cosby. Now Louis CK?,” wrote Love-Over-Hate. “I get it when controversial is your angle. But this is abt victims, & their pain, trauma etc. Your lack of understanding in tht realm is the obvious problem women have to deal with men like the 1 your defending. Shame.”

“@DaveChappelle really spoke the truth about how hollywood is gettin exposed now.. He told us 12yrs ago something is wrong with hollywood and got the hell outta there..”, wrote U.Aint.Safe.In.2018.

Chappelle’s stand-up specials, Equanimity & The Bird Revelation, are currently streaming on Netflix.

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