Avengers Infinity War directors on Captain America’s identity in the film

Avengers Infinity War directors on Captain America’s identity in the film

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Published: January 21, 2018 5:38 pm ..

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Published: January 21, 2018 5:38 pm Avengers: Infinity War will release on April 27.

It is well known that Chris Evans’s Captain America will be a lot different than what we are used to in Avengers: Civil War. He gave up his identity at the end of Captain America: Civil War and is rumoured to appear as ‘Nomad’ in the film. If you are not too familiar with the comic-book universe, Nomad is the identity Captain America assumed when he became disillusioned with the American government. We know this happened in Captain America: Civil War, when Tony Stark, who was pro-government, fought against Cap’s band of rebel superheroes.

Infinity War’s directors Russo brothers have spoken about how they will approach Steve Rogers. “Our approach to [Steve Rogers] was to deconstruct him, to take him in a different direction. Obviously, you can’t deal with a character called Captain America without dealing with the thematics behind that, so we wanted a relevancy to it and we wanted to put him in a position where he was questioning the chain of command. You’ll see in these Avengers films, he’s on a very specific journey as a character. Some people have suspected that he may be Nomad heading into Avengers 3 and I wouldn’t say that he is exactly Nomad, but he is the spirit of that character,” says Joe Russo.

So while Captain America will be Nomad without actually donning the weird and gaudy costume. We may see a different costume from the usual blue Captain America get-up, though. Avengers: Infinity War will release on May 27.

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