102 Not Out box office collection day 3: Amitabh Bachchan film to earn Rs 14 crore over the weekend

102 Not Out box office collection day 3: Amitabh Bachchan film to earn Rs 14 crore over the weekend

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Updated: May 6, 2018 6:30:46 pm 10..

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Updated: May 6, 2018 6:30:46 pm 102 Not Out box office collection day 3: This Rishi Kapoor film is facing stiff competition from Avengers: Infinity War.Related News

102 Not Out has done better than what most trade analysts expected. It has earned a respectable sum of Rs 9.05 crore after two days. Legends of Hindi cinema Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor came together after 27 years to work in a film and it seems fans are loving it. Umesh Shukla directorial 102 Not Out celebrates old age and is a breezy comedy. Amitabh Bachchan plays the role of a 102-year-old and Rishi Kapoor is the son aged 75. But the outlook of the father and the son could not be more different. While Bachchans character Dattatraya is cheerful and lively, Rishi Kapoors character Babulal feels he is too old to enjoy his life.

102 Not Out faces competition from two films – Avengers: Infinity War and Omerta. Film and trade analyst Girish Johar predicts the weekend collection of 102 Not Out to land up around Rs 14 crore.

102 Not Out had received an average review from Indian Express film critic Shalini Langer. “There are laughs to be had from that, sure, especially the “love letter” that Dattatraya makes Babulal write to his late wife. But when it gets to forcing Babulal to cut little ducks out of a beloved Kashmiri blanket, it gets a little too infantile. Meanwhile, Bachchans accent, more Bengali than the intended Gujarati, keeps distracting,” she had said.

While the film may do well over the weekend, it will face its real test on the weekdays. It should do well, but Avengers: Infinity War will be a hindrance since there is no indication that massive Marvel superhero crossover film will stop anytime soon.

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102 Not Out box office collection day 3: Amitabh Bachchan film to earn Rs 14 crore over the weekend

102 Not Out box office collection day 3: Amitabh Bachchan film to earn Rs 14 crore over the weekend

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Updated: May 6, 2018 6:30:46 pm 10..

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Updated: May 6, 2018 6:30:46 pm 102 Not Out box office collection day 3: This Rishi Kapoor film is facing stiff competition from Avengers: Infinity War.Related News

102 Not Out has done better than what most trade analysts expected. It has earned a respectable sum of Rs 9.05 crore after two days. Legends of Hindi cinema Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor came together after 27 years to work in a film and it seems fans are loving it. Umesh Shukla directorial 102 Not Out celebrates old age and is a breezy comedy. Amitabh Bachchan plays the role of a 102-year-old and Rishi Kapoor is the son aged 75. But the outlook of the father and the son could not be more different. While Bachchans character Dattatraya is cheerful and lively, Rishi Kapoors character Babulal feels he is too old to enjoy his life.

102 Not Out faces competition from two films – Avengers: Infinity War and Omerta. Film and trade analyst Girish Johar predicts the weekend collection of 102 Not Out to land up around Rs 14 crore.

102 Not Out had received an average review from Indian Express film critic Shalini Langer. “There are laughs to be had from that, sure, especially the “love letter” that Dattatraya makes Babulal write to his late wife. But when it gets to forcing Babulal to cut little ducks out of a beloved Kashmiri blanket, it gets a little too infantile. Meanwhile, Bachchans accent, more Bengali than the intended Gujarati, keeps distracting,” she had said.

While the film may do well over the weekend, it will face its real test on the weekdays. It should do well, but Avengers: Infinity War will be a hindrance since there is no indication that massive Marvel superhero crossover film will stop anytime soon.

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