How 13 Reasons Why Successfully Grapples with the #MeToo Movement

How 13 Reasons Why Successfully Grapples with the #MeToo Movement

This article contains frank discussion of all of Season 2 of 13 Reasons Why focusing specifically on..

This article contains frank discussion of all of Season 2 of 13 Reasons Why focusing specifically on Episode 13 “Bye.” If youre not all caught up and would prefer not to know the plot details of the show, now is the time to leave.

When the first season of 13 Reasons Why wrapped up on Netflix last year, there were no clear expectations that the streaming service would order another season. Originally pitched as a straight adaptation of Jay Ashers 2007 novel, the show wrapped up all of that books plot in its first 13 episodes. But the massive cultural popularity of the show—partially fueled by the controversy surrounding its treatment of sensitive subjects—meant that Netflix couldnt resist going back to the well. But as a result, both Netflix and showrunner Brian Yorkey were asked to justify the very existence of a second season of a story centered on a young protagonist whose suicide was the shows inciting incident. What is 13 Reasons Why without Katherine Langfords Golden Globe-nominated turn as Hannah Baker?

The answer is that while the second season of the show still bent over backwards to include Langford via flashbacks and a storyline that saw her haunting heartbroken friend Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette), Yorkeys stated mission was to expand the scope of 13 Reasons Why, dive deeper into the fallout of Hannahs death, and reckon, specifically, with the sexual assault trauma experienced by Alisha Boes Jessica Davis. Yorkey told The Hollywood Reporter: “I read something online: Well, Jessica told her dad she was raped, so her story is over. I remember thinking that right there is reason enough to do a season two.” He elaborated in Entertainment Weekly: “Jessica is just beginning the process of recovering from her rape, and we have a rapist who has not in any way been brought to justice. To leave those two things hanging out there in the world would be upsetting.” If Yorkey and his writers wanted to re-focus the series more specifically sexual assault survivors he could have hardly found a more relevant moment, in the midst of the Times Up movement, to execute on that.

Unfortunately, in trying to recapture some of the gimmickier aspects of the first season including a mystery for Clay Jensen to solve and anachronistic technology for teens to marvel at (this time instead of cassette tapes, its Polaroid photos), 13 Reasons Why Season 2 quite often loses its way. But for part of the season finale, as Jessica gives testimony in court about her experience with the shows central villain, Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice), the show finally taps into its potential. Jessica addresses her comments towards Bryce (and the judge) but as she speaks, she is replaced by the other female characters in the show telling their individual stories of sexual assault. Its the Twitter #MeToo movement brought briefly to life. Though that might sound like just another gimmick, the sequence is executed with a light touch and the stories given with an unflinching direct-to-camera delivery that makes a significant impact.

13 Reasons Why quickly pivots to referencing another recognizable moment in the sexual assault awareness movement. In Season 1, the remorseless, villainous character of Bryce Walker was able to take advantage of so many young girls thanks to his protected status as an athletically gifted child from a wealthy family. In the shows finale, the judge lets Walker off the hook and sentences him to only three months probation. The judges statement may sound familiar:

This is a tragedy all around. . .As a judge its my job to consider all sides. California requires every judge to consider rehabilitation and probation for first-time offenders. Id like to see these two young people look hard at their lives and their choices but I dont want to do any further damage.

Handing down the lightest of sentences to Walker, he adds: “I expect you to walk the straight and narrow young man.” Though none of this language is lifted directly from California judge Aaron Perskys controversially lenient 2016 sentencing of ex-Stanford student Brock Turner, the sentiment is a familiar one. In that case as this, the general argument in favor of leniency for privileged swimming star Turner whose victims anonymous statement to Buzzfeed went viral, was that the damage to his reputation and scholastic career were comparable to the psychological and physical trauma he enacted on this young woman. It was an unpopular verdict then and looks even worse in the wake of #MeToo.

If, as Yorkey stated, Season 2 deals with the pursuit of justice for the crimes perpetrated against Hannah, Jessica, and other people like them, then its somewhat fitting that the show would confront miscarriage of that justice as well. (Jessica sardonically comments that shes not at all surprised by the outcome.) 13 Reasons Why—which ends on a cliffhanger clearly setting up more episodes—appears to be deferring Bryces reckoning until at least Season 3. Bryce is held back a year and is transferred to a new school in a somewhat manipulative plot twist from a show that seems to want to keep the football and baseball star as its main villain.

But even as 13 Reasons Why bends to the breaking point in order to keep Bryce in the picture, its impossible to deny that his reprieve reflects a sad reality. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, not only do 2 out of 3 sexual assault crimes go unreported, but out of every 1000 rapes, 994 perpetrators will walk free.

The conclusion of Jessicas court case only represents a small fraction of the finale which also manages to find time for Hannahs memorial, a check-in with nearly every character, a harrowing sexual assault perpetrated on another character, a substance abuse plot line, a Spring dance, and a school shooter. Somewhere in all of that, 13 Reasons Why found room for one more #MeToo grace note.

Courtesy of Netflix

The series enlisted Star Trek: Discovery and Rent star Anthony Rapp to play a priest helping Hannahs parents arrange their daughters memorial service. (The actor who played Rapps Star Trek love interest, Wilson Cruz, appears throughout Season 2 as the Bakers lawyer.) Last fall, Rapp accused Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting him when Rapp was only 14. Though his plot line in 13 Reasons Why engages more directly with the subject of suicide and faith, Rapps casting in a show that is grappling with teenage sexual assault can hardly be a coincidence.

Whether speaking with the grief-stricken Bakers or the confused and angry Clay, Rapps character doles out comforting words on the themes of guilt, forgiveness, and the silence that so often accompanies controversial matters. “Let me assure you, theres no judgment from me,” he tells Hannahs parents. “I hope one day youll release yourselves from any shame you might still be feeling.” When he gave his statement on Spacey to Buzzfeed last October, Rapp similarly said:

In 1986, these things werent talked about very openly very much, except for maybe in an after-school-special kind of way. There's so much more openness about talking about these issues, and so many people are coming forward and sharing their stories. The oxygen in the room is there for us to really do something about it.

At its best, this is what 13 Reasons Why hopes to provide as well: openness and an engagement with harsh and upsetting truths in the context of a teen-friendly drama. In refusing to shy away from painful issues of teen suicide, self-harm, sexual assault, and more, the Netflix series has for better or, as many would argue, for worse, forced a national conversation. But especially in its second season, the show has trouble separating unflinching examination from indulgence in spectacle. Tellingly, actor Brandon Flynn who plays Jessicas troubled ex Justin Foley, told

Were all very aware of the controversy. I think for the most part, in a smart way, we didnt ignore the controversy but used it as fuel. I think its good that what were doing is a little bit wrong because, partly, it keeps viewers coming in.

Thats only one actors opinion, but the notion he touches on here, that 13 Reasons Why is leveraging vulnerable teen suffering for viewership numbers, is a common critique of the show. With an apparent Season 3 pivot towards gun violence in schools—an issue so sensitive the Netflix series cancelled a premiere event in the wake of Fridays Santa Fe High School shooting13 Reasons Why would be wise to focus less on mysterious twists and gimmicks and more on deeply human moments like Jessicas powerful testimony and Anthony Rapps gentle meditation on moving on.

Get Vanity Fairs HWD NewsletterSign up for essential industry and award news from Hollywood.Joanna RobinsonJoanna Robinson is a Hollywood writer covering TV and film for

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