Jon Stewart Steals Late Show From Under Stephen Colberts Desk

Jon Stewart Steals Late Show From Under Stephen Colberts Desk

[embedded content] A raffle winner who participated in an online fundraiser for a..

A raffle winner who participated in an online fundraiser for autism research got to spend Stephen Colberts Late Show monologue under his desk, with Jon Stewart.

To prove he and Rachel actually were under the desk, Stewart read that days banner headline from The Failing Late Show Times: “Jon Stewart Under Colbert Desk.”

While Colbert tried to report that Barack and Michelle Obama had signed a deal to produce programming for Netflix, one of which he hoped would be called A Single Still Image of The Obamas for an Hour, Stewart did his best to steal the spotlight from Colbert, from under the desk.

Stewart wore a fascinator and sipped tea while talking about the royal wedding. He enlisted Colberts foot in an under-desk game of Twister, as Colbert tried unsuccessfully to land gags about getting the Obamas to read his screenplay dramatizing the story of a cow who becomes President of the United States, called Hail To The Beef.

Finally Colbert gets pulled into a surprise party under his desk. To fully appreciate Stewarts cake gag, you need to have seen this:

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