The Staircase and Making A Murderer are actually linked – but how?

The Staircase and Making A Murderer are actually linked – but how?

Making A Murderer lawyer Jerry Buting and The Staircases David Rudolf are linked – but how? (Picture..

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The Staircase and Making A Murderer are actually linked - but how?

Making A Murderer lawyer Jerry Buting and The Staircases David Rudolf are linked – but how? (Picture: Netflix)

Theres no denying that The Staircase and Making A Murderer are two of the more compelling shows to hit Netflix in recent years.

The former has kept viewers gripped with its recount of the Kathleen Peterson case, which saw her husband Michael initially found guilty of her murder and later freed after it emerged misleading evidence had been given during his trial.

And Making A Murderer had viewers hooked back in 2015 when it was first released, as it told the story of Steven Avery, who was released from prison after serving an 18-year sentence for sexual assault and attempted murder – only to be re-arrested for a different crime just two years later.

But despite covering two very different true crime cases, the two series have more in common than you might have first thought.



Just whats going on, exactly?

How are The Staircase and Making A Murderer linked?

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While the two cases themselves have no actual connection, they do actually have one surprising link – their lawyers.

Because Jerome Buting, the lawyer in Making A Murderer, is actually a former student of The Staircases David Rudolf, who was Michael Petersons lawyer during his trial.

Rudolf revealed this fact on Twitter earlier this week, in response to the announcement of a discussion which would feature both of them, due to take place on July 22.

Looking forward to this discussion with Jerry Buting, my former student, he told his followers.

Thats just a little too exciting.

Its not the first time that Buting has taken to the road, mind – having also toured the UK back in 2016 with Averys other defence lawyer Dean A Strang.

The pair appeared in theatres across the UK – including the London Palladium – to discuss the case and any new developments – as well as to chair a wider discussion about the criminal justice system in the US.

Where are David Rudolf and Jerry Buting now?

The Staircase David Rudolf Credit: Netflix

David Rudolf is still a practising lawyer (Picture: Netflix)

David Rudolf was Petersons lawyer in his trial, and returned when he entered the Alford Plea in his second.



He is still a practising lawyer with his company Rudolf Widenhouse Law Firm, which is based in North Carolina.

The Staircase and Making A Murderer are actually linked - but how?

Jerry Buting (right, pictured with Dean A Strang) is a published author (Picture: Netflix)

Jerome Jerry Buting found fame as one of Steven Averys defence lawyers in Making A Murderer.

These days, as well as continuing to practise law, he has also written a book – Illusion Of Justice – about the case, and is also a speaker, addressing audiences worldwide about the case as well as other aspects of law and his 35-year career.

The Staircase and Making A Murderer Steven Avery are both available to stream on Netflix UK.

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