Seth Meyers & Amy Poehler Reunite To Take On James Comey In “Really?” Segment On Late Night

Seth Meyers & Amy Poehler Reunite To Take On James Comey In “Really?” Segment On Late Night

[embedded content] There was a Saturday Night Live reunion on Wednesday nights La..

There was a Saturday Night Live reunion on Wednesday nights Late Night with Seth Meyers. Amy Poehler joined Meyers to reprise their “Really? with Seth and Amy” segment from their days on the Weekend Update desk to talk about a tweet former director FBI James Comey posted earlier this week.

“Democrats, please, please dont lose your minds and rush to the socialist left,” tweeted Comey. “This president and his Republican Party are counting on you to do exactly that. Americas great middle wants sensible, balanced, ethical leadership.”

To this Meyers said, “Really, James Comey? You wanna weigh in on things when theres an election coming up? You feel like thats gone really well for you in the past?”

Poehler chimed in saying, “Youre worried that Democrats are going to move too far to the left, really?” She added, “I dont know if you remember, but we were just about to have a nice, boring moderate Democrat for a President until you decided to open your mouth a week before the election you big dumb scarecrow!”

The skewering continued with Meyers saying, “Youre telling Democrats not to lose their minds? I dont know if you noticed, but the party in power is locking babies in cages, the president talks about Vladimir Putin the way Jay Z talks about Beyonce and the White House has more employee turnover than a Dairy Queen in September.”

Poehler threw more shade saying, “The idea of you playing adviser to the Democratic Party is kind of like the iceberg trying to join the crew of the Titanic. Really!”

The duo really went off. Watch the video above.

Democrats, please, please dont lose your minds and rush to the socialist left. This president and his Republican Party are counting on you to do exactly that. Americas great middle wants sensible, balanced, ethical leadership.

— James Comey (@Comey) July 22, 2018

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