Danny Dyer is Love Island 2018s secret meme weapon and fans rinsed it for all its worth

Danny Dyer is Love Island 2018s secret meme weapon and fans rinsed it for all its worth

Memes over Danny Dyer have proven too precious If theres one thing that have come out of this years..

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Danny Dyer is Love Island 2018's secret meme weapon and fans rinsed it for all it's worth

Memes over Danny Dyer have proven too precious

If theres one thing that have come out of this years Love Island, its the knowledge that Danny Dyer doesnt half make cracking meme material.

As Dani continues to rule the Love Island villa with her boyfriend Jack, viewers have been sitting at home wondering what on earth Danny must feel about it all.

Thanks to memes, now we dont have to.

From strapping up Jack to a lie detector in a Meet the Parents parody, or yelling in the rain over witnessing something particularly embarrassing, or sky-diving into the villa to give Jack and Dani a talking to – meme creators have it covered.



And we love every single one.

Luckily for us, it wont be long before we can see Dannys real reaction to his potential son-in-law – as he appears on the show via videolink tonight.

Danny even admits he was wrong about the show and tells his daughter: I got it wrong baby. I told you not to do it. Were so proud of you, you are incredible. Youre an absolute hero babe.

Getting onto Jack, Danny told him: Listen, I approve of you mate. I think youre absolutely bang on. I werent at first, I thought “Oh here we go.”

Thankfully he managed to win him around over the past few weeks, and no it seems Dani might even have a fight on her hands to remain Daddys fave.

Look at him, look at him! Look at his little face, Danny beams. Do you know what Jack? Listen. Proper geezer, gotta say. Ill tell you what I love about you, I love the fact you got a little Derby

More: Love Island



You got so much charisma. Takes a brave man to bowl into that gaff, them all abbed up, proper geezer. Honestly mate, were so over the moon.

Its nerve wracking. The fact that he approves of me and he likes me, I just thought thats brilliant. Dani must feel so relieved.

Love Island continues tonight at 9pm on ITV2.

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