Crocodile bites trainers arm during Thailand circus show (VIDEO)

Crocodile bites trainers arm during Thailand circus show (VIDEO)

Its hard to know what a man expects when he puts his arm into the mouth of a crocodile – but one cir..

Its hard to know what a man expects when he puts his arm into the mouth of a crocodile – but one circus handler in Chiang Rai in Northern Thailand got exactly what one would think.

Footage captured at Bogotara Wildlife Park on Sunday shows the man reaching into the mouth of the reptile before putting his whole arm into its gullet. Hundreds of people are said to have witnessed the incident as the trainer delved deeper than was comfortable for the crocodile, prompting it to clamp down on the arm before thrashing around and releasing him. The man is then seen clutching his arm as he moves away from the animal.

READ MORE: After 10 years of chasing crocodile dog gets eaten alive

The man was identified by local Thai newspaper The Daily Thanthi as 45-year-old animal handler Tao. The paper reported that the man suffered deep cuts to his arm but received medical treatment and was hopeful of making a full recovery.

READ MORE: Horrid to see: Indonesian mob kills 300 crocodiles in revenge attack (PHOTOS)

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