Suits Being Remade By Japans Fuji TV After NBC Universal Strikes Format Deal

Suits Being Remade By Japans Fuji TV After NBC Universal Strikes Format Deal

Suits is being remade in Japan after NBC Universal International Formats struck a deal with Fuji TV...

Suits is being remade in Japan after NBC Universal International Formats struck a deal with Fuji TV.

The deal is the second adaptation for the USA Network legal drama after the Hollywood studio sold the format to KBS in South Korea.

The Japanese version will be produced by Fuji TV in association with Kyodo Television and will run for an initial eleven episodes in October on the broadcasters prime Getsuku drama slot. It will focus on Yukimura Uesugi, one of the four major law firms in Japan. Yuji Oda (Tokyo Love Story) will lead the cast, in the role of hot shot attorney Shogo Kai (Harvey Specter). Young actor and member of Japanese pop group Hey! Say! JUMP, Yuto Nakajima (Hope, My Son, Engine) will play the newly appointed associate Daisuke Suzuki (Mike Ross).

Hiroyuki Goto (Beautiful World) and Hiroshi Kobayashi (Princess Jellyfish) serve as producers. Masato Hijikata (Broke Mom) is to direct. Junya Ikegami (Aibou) is scriptwriter. The deal was brokered by NBC Universal International Formats Director of Asia Format Sales Liaison, Linfield Ng.

The U.S. series, which was created by Aaron Korsh and produced by Universal Cable Productions, is currently in its eighth season with Greys Anatomys Katherine Heigl stepping in to follow Meghan Markle after she married Prince Harry.

Ana Langenberg, SVP Formats & Production, NBCUniversal International Formats, said, “Suits remains as one of the most popular TV series in the U.S., so we are delighted to further extend the brand across Asia with Fuji TV. Centred on a set of dynamic and formidable characters, Suits lends itself perfectly to international markets, with its genius storytelling and universal themes of power, love and rivalry. Its great to see such excellent on and off-screen talent attached to what will be the second international version of the show. We look forward to working with Fuji TV to bring this brilliant series to life.”

Hiroyuki Goto, General Producer, Drama Production, Fuji TV added, “I have been a true Suits fan since I saw the scene where Harvey meets Mike, and it made me dream of one day creating a Japanese version. No words can describe how much I respect Aaron Korsh and the original producers, and appreciate the NBC Universal International Formats team for providing me with the opportunity to make my seven-year-long dream come true to produce the show in Japan.

“What makes the series so intriguing is how the individual stories of the attractive characters starting with Harvey and Mike, as well as Louis, Rachel, Donna, and Jessica link together with the cases and incidents in each episode. The entire Japanese cast and crew will keep this in mind and do our very best to successfully localize Suits. We aim to create a cool and stylish drama that will not only attract attention within Japan, but also become one of the hottest topics of 2018 on a global scale as well.”

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