Shah Rukh Khan: I want Suhana and Aryan to learn that theres nothing called impossible

Shah Rukh Khan: I want Suhana and Aryan to learn that theres nothing called impossible

Written by A. Kameshwari | New Delhi | Updat..

Written by A. Kameshwari | New Delhi | Updated: September 27, 2018 4:27:44 pm Shah Rukh Khan was in Delhi to encourage the Indian Paralympic Contingent for the Asian Para Games 2018. Related News

Shah Rukh Khan on Wednesday revealed he wanted to be a sportsman when he was young. The Bollywood superstar made this revelation at the send-off ceremony of the Indian Paralympic Contingent for the Asian Para Games 2018.

“My childhood wish was to be a sportsman. I used to play hockey, football, cricket and was into athletics too. I wasnt good at it but would keep trying. I wanted to represent our country through any sports,” he said.

The actor continued that his dream could not be fulfilled because he hurt himself during childhood. This made him take a break from sports for one year.

“No one knows about it but I am telling you that my reason to be here is quite selfish. I am not here for you but I am here for my own self. In that one year when I was hurt, I felt my life was over. At that point, my parents were very encouraging. They taught me when God closes one door, he opens another. The love and blessings of my parents, God and billions of people encouraged me and that is why I have been able to do good enough work in the field of acting. Since then till last year, I have been operated nine times,” Shah Rukh Khan said.

“When I wake up in the morning, I have to take contrast water therapy, for 30 mins. I have to take massage. I have to do stretching and take a lot of medicines. After that only, Im able to go to work. People in the industry also joke that I take a lot of time in the washroom. I too have moments when I want to give up work and take rest. Last month, something similar happened. At that moment, I switched on the television and some of your life stories appeared on it. What my parents did for me back then in my childhood, you guys did for me last month. I want to warn film stars and other people in the industry that you all have made me more hale and hearty for the coming 25 years,” he continued.

shah rukh khan in delhi Shah Rukh Khan with Deepa Malik.

Later, SRK added that he wants his own kids Suhana and Aryan to take up sports, “I also believe that we all are incomplete in one way or other. But life teaches us to use that incompleteness to turn them into our opportunities and positivity. So, I salute you all for choosing sports, a field which actually makes you feel that you have to overcome all your incapacities, insecurities, smallness and weaknesses and aim for the impossible. Through you, I want my elder kids to learn how important sports is. I want them to learn that the word impossible does not even exist in life. I was called to encourage but I am here to be encouraged.”

shah rukh khan photos Shah Rukh Khan honoured with India Khan title at the send-off ceremony.

During the Q&A session, Shah Rukh Khan was asked how he handles failure in life, to which the 52-year-old replied, “People look at glamour of this entertainment world but I have been working for 30 years. I work for 10-12 hours, everybody puts the same effort. But whenever I work, be it a small film or a big film, I work with a thought that I cannot be better than this. Till last minute, I put my everything in the project. I feel I should put in so much into one project that even if it fails I should not regret that I did not do enough. I have done my best and left the rest. And from next week, I start my journey on a new film once again. I met Dev Anand once and he said, When I see you I feel if you would stop working, you will be finished. I think that stayed with me. So, I just do hard work. If a film works, I do not sit on its success and keep showering praises on myself nor do I stop for negative criticism.”

shah rukh khan photos Shah Rukh Khan all smiles with Indian Paralympic Contingent for the Asian Para Games 2018.

But would he like to make a film on the paralympians? “Making a film is easy but making a good film is not. I always wait for the right opportunity to present a movie. Their life has been beautiful. The way they have made struggles a victory is something very inspiring. So, I wish I get to do something. Whenever I would be able to do justice to their stories, I will. As a matter of fact, without revealing much information, there are some aspects Im dealing with in my next film, Zero. A lot of my films dont work. I dont want to do that with their stories. I want to make something really good,” the actor said in response to indianexpress.coms question.

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