Trevor Noah Marvels At Brett Kavanaughs Bar Brawling Past

Trevor Noah Marvels At Brett Kavanaughs Bar Brawling Past

[embedded content] Comedy Central In addition to the sexual assault claim against ..

Comedy Central

In addition to the sexual assault claim against him, people are zeroing in on another the reason worlds angriest calendar enthusiast Brett Kavanaugh may not be fit for the Supreme Court, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah told his viewers.

That other reason is “honesty.”

Honesty is one of the things you most want in a Supreme Court justice, Noah explained, and there are “more and more signs Kavanaugh might not have enough of it, especially when it comes to his history with drinking.”

While Kavanaugh might talk under oath like hes had only a casual relationship with alcohol, the “two of them were probably more than just friends,” Noah speculated. Earlier in the day, a former pal of Kavanaughs recounted to news outlets that time in college when Kavanaugh allegedly threw the ice from his drink into a mans face, starting a fight that landed a pal in jail.

Noah provided details of the “wild” story from 1985, when Kavanaugh and a friend got into a bar fight that got so rowdy the police got called in, and the police filed an official report.

“And here the thing,” Noah marveled, “Its one thing to get into a fight, its another thing to get into a fight where the cops are called. And on top of that, a fight where the cops are called – on a white guy!”

“Do you know how bad a fight has to be for the police to get called on a white guy? At an Ivy League school? In the 80s?!” Noah asked.

“That was like rich white male heyday! I mean, every decade is, but that was extra good for them!”

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