X Factors Molly Scott earns BTS Army seal of approval with cover of Fake Love: Her voice is beautiful

X Factors Molly Scott earns BTS Army seal of approval with cover of Fake Love: Her voice is beautiful

The ARMY are loving it! (Picture: ITV/ REX) BTS ARMY are heaping praise on X Factors Molly Scott fo..

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The ARMY are loving it! (Picture: ITV/ REX)

BTS ARMY are heaping praise on X Factors Molly Scott for performing the K-pop boybands hit song Fake Love during the first live shows.

Its not the first time the teen has covered the BTS song, but her live performance sent the fandom into an even bigger frenzy.

The 16-year-old blew the socks off Simon Cowell at his particularly extra Judges Houses when she performed the Korean song in English.

And the ARMY flocked to Twitter to praise Mollys first take on the hit, which she performed in English, in their droves with comments ranging from this is insane, to were in awe.

And she has done it again on Saturdays episode of the ITV show.

As she sang for the live audience – and viewers at home – the internet went into a little meltdown with praise for Molly as the news of her rendition quickly spread across the globe within minutes.



More: The X Factor

Fans from as far as the USA and Korea piped in to congratulate the contestant.

She could get used to this!

OMG AHXJSOWO a contestant on X factor is singing Fake Love by BTS in English!?!?

— ✬ ⒶⓈⒽⒺ ✬ (@Lalisashe) October 20, 2018

molly scott best win x factor idec, not just because she sang bts fake love but her voice is beautiful

— :(: (@wuvguk) October 20, 2018

Just didn't expect them to be singing BTS on the X Factor lol

— STILL NOT OVER SEEING BTS TWICE ⚡ (@BatsDontKill) October 20, 2018

Flipped the channel over the hear Molly Scott sing the English version of fake love on X Factor… She was sooooo good! ? #BTS #XFactor

— Emma (@emma_kate1995) October 20, 2018

But not everyone had a smooth sailing first performance tonight.

Earlier in the episode, Danny Tetley suffered a hiccup in his very first live performance only days after pulling out of rehearsals.

The singer may have been hoping for a flawless performance of his rendition of Mariah Careys Hero – but that didnt happen as the wrong name was announced as he prepared to sing.

The voiceover announced fellow contestant Anthony Russell and seemingly distracted poor Danny.

The artist, who is mentored by Judge Ayda Field, sang the first line off-key and a little too far away from the microphone.



Noticing the technical glitch Danny said: Thats thrown me off, Im going to start again.

Danny gave it his all (Picture: ITV)

Within seconds the song began again – and this time the correct name was announced – prompting Danny to give an emotional performance.

Despite the false start, Danny received a standing ovation from all judges as the crowd erupted in cheers.

More: The X Factor

Simon Cowell told Danny to not feel bad about what happened.

The music mogul said: Because, actually it made you better.

The judges loved his performance (Picture: ITV)

Louis Tomlinson agreed with Simon explaining: The pressure of what just happened to you and that you picked yourself up and delivered that vocal is absolutely incredible. You should be really really proud of yourself.

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