The Big Bang Theorys unsung hero Wil Wheaton initially didnt want to play himself

The Big Bang Theorys unsung hero Wil Wheaton initially didnt want to play himself

The Big Bang Theory came to an end last month after an incredible 12 year stretch – and surprise, su..

The Big Bang Theory came to an end last month after an incredible 12 year stretch – and surprise, surprise were still not over it.

The CBS sitcom had a number of celebrity appearances during its impressive run and Wil Wheaton was undoubtedly the unsung hero, having played an evil version of himself and Sheldon Coopers (played by Jim Parsons) sworn nemesis in a number of episodes.

We cant really imagine The Big Bang Theory without Wil, yet it turns out he initially wasnt so keen on the idea of joining the cast as Wil Wheaton. caught up with Wil on the phone to talk about how his role came about and he began by telling us that he was convinced the whole thing was an elaborate prank.

A little over 10 years ago I got an email from a woman who at the time was Bill Pradys assistant, Wil started. I didnt recognise her email address so I actually thought it was a friend of mine playing a prank on me, because 10 years ago I thought threes no way anybody in The Big Bang Theory is remotely interested in me. This has got to be a joke.



I emailed my manager and said, “Hey, Im pretty sure this is one of my friends just taking the p***, but in case its not could you follow it up?” And my manager said, “This is Bills assistant. Ive had a number of conversations and this is legitimate.”

At which point, everything changed because this became a real thing. So I called and Bill got on the phone and he pitched me the idea of me playing myself on the show. I said, “Listen, Im a huge fan of the show, but Im not really interested in playing myself. I would rather play a character on the show, sort of like Sara Gilbert is Leslie Winkle.

Wil Wheaton and Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory

Wil Wheaton played an evil version of himself in The Big Bang Theory (Picture: CBS)

I remember very quickly Bill said, “I totally understand, I totally get it. I will tell you that when we are casting someone you can play, Ill be thrilled to bring you in, but you are the only actor in the world who can play Wil Wheaton.”

I said, “I just need to think about it for a minute.” I called a friend of mine and told him what I just told you and my friend who was a showrunner and a creator and producer in his own right was quiet for a minute and then he just went off on me. I remember him saying, “What in the world is wrong with you? Its the most popular series in television, of course you say yes to it! Of course you call him back right now and say yes. If you dont call him back right now and say yes, were not friends anymore.”



I was like, “Okay, okay!”, so I called Bill back and he said, “So heres the thing. Since we last talked, the role has changed a little bit. Instead of playing yourself, youre playing a delightfully evil version of yourself.”

I said, “Well that sounds great, thats a character! Im on board! Lets do it.” And about a week later I was on set.

Wil Wheaton and Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory

Wil wasnt sure he wanted to play himself at first
(Picture: CBS)

Wil told us that he had absolutely zero input in his characters development on The Big Bang Theory and didnt dare to pitch ideas to the producers.

The writing on the show is so tight and the writers room is filled with such unbelievably talented individuals I never wanted any input, Wil admitted.

Speaking most sincerely, he continued: They did such a good job building the comedy and building relationships and keeping the characters grounded in reality. Everything was so well written. I never had any ideas.

I felt it was incredibly presumptuous for me to suggest to any, “Oh, by the way, I have a better idea.” I never ever thought that and I never pitched my own ideas.

That being said, the writers did borrow from Wils lived experience as a Hollywood actor a few times.

On a couple of occasions I had wonderful conversations with the writers, with Steve Mularo specifically. There were a couple of episodes where it was what my experiences as the actual Wil Wheaton.


One of those was an episode where Sheldon gets real famous and hes sort of embarrassed about it, and I got to have a conversation with him about it and said that for a long time people only paid attention to this one thing I did and people are real mean about it, but Ive got a really good life now.

More: The Big Bang Theory

I could have said that, I could have said that to someone who was haRead More – Source

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