Coronation Street spoilers: Clayton Hibbs returns for new knife crime storyline?

Coronation Street spoilers: Clayton Hibbs returns for new knife crime storyline?

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Callum Harrison has tipped Clayton Hibbs for a further return to Coronation Street down the line as he believes there is still much to explore with the character in terms of the aftermath of being involved in knife crime.

Viewers have seen Clayton stab Kylie Platt to death in cold blood in an alyercation she was barely involved in and since then, he almost stabbed his own mum Shona Ramsey (Julia Goulding) to death before she was forced to defend herself.



Speaking to on the red carpet of the British Soap Awards, Callum enthused that it had been a thrill to be a part of Coronation Street but he would also be very open to return to see what path Clayton could take after release and whether he could ever find redemption.

Clayton is terrified in Coronation Street
(Picture: ITV)

He added that the prevalence of knife crime in the UK would make it an important topic to cover.

However, with ClayRead More – Source

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