T.I. Asks Candace Owens When Was America Great at REVOLT TV Summit

T.I. Asks Candace Owens When Was America Great at REVOLT TV Summit

TMZ/Getty Composite 3:40 PM PT — Killer Mike spoke his own peace about what T.I. and Candace were ..

TMZ/Getty Composite

3:40 PM PTKiller Mike spoke his own peace about what T.I. and Candace were discussing, and he said they were focusing on the the wrong issues.

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According to KM, he says black people need to stop arguing over who's the best "master" and start organizing their own agenda, with their own goals — taking the best from each person's point of view — as well as owning a stake in whatever industry they're participating in … be it politics, music, business, infrastructure or anything else. He says it best himself, watch.

T.I. had a good question for staunch Trump supporter Candace Owens — when was America actually great … and what exactly is DT trying to emulate???

The rapper asked this of Candace Saturday night at a summit held by Diddy's REVOLT TV in Atlanta, where they were discussing why the President's slogan is viewed as racist among many in the black community. Safe to say, things escalated quickly from there.

Moderator Jeff Johnson said Trump has stoked fear into poor whites that their enemy is poor blacks — to which Candace asked when the Prez said that verbatim. Johnson suggested that the guy's slogan in and of itself was a sign of that fear-mongering.

Candace Owens Was Defending Donald Trump & T.I Wasnt Having it pic.twitter.com/g5HLuYvY2a

— 2CooI2Blog (@2Cool2Bl0g) September 15, 2019 @2Cool2Bl0g

Then T.I. jumped in … and s*** hit the fan.

T.I. firmly asked Candace what period in American history is Trump so sure was "great" — listing examples, like when women couldn't vote … or when black people were lynched.

Candace suggests Trump is hearkening back to the Reagan years, when the then-presidential hopeful said something to the same effect while on the campaign trail. T.I., however, has his own Read More – Source

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